25 Jan 2019

GEEK THEORY PODCAST - Happy Christmas New Year of the Swamp Mother

This week Gavin gets dubbed "Gaviscon of the Double Action" in the distant future, David reveals his Origins in the City after a Knight in his favourite Asylum and Alex is in the Zone with his banging national anthem and a pile of Chemical bucks.
We also start off with some food chat, attempt "Name That Tune: Sonic Edition", and other such shenanigans. It's all go, enjoy! ;)
P.S. We hate Brexit.

18 Jan 2019


This week, Gavin unleashes his wrath upon the Gods and spiders of this world, David believes nukes are better than giant squid in the grand scheme of things, and Alex lets his hair down and makes an unbreakable pact with a demon.
We also ridicule Nazis, discover Pokemon more powerful than God and Christmas Bane returns for an encore. Enjoy. ;)

11 Jan 2019

GEEK THEORY PODCAST - Threesomes for Energy

We're back and this week we're discussing our favourite over-powered (OP) characters. Dave goes back to Halo to rub salt in old wounds, Alex campaigns for his chosen Master Wizard and Gavin takes pictures of his soft toys and puts them in Instagram. New Year, same podcast, Enjoy. ;)

4 Jan 2019


It's time for 2018s report card, let's see how well it did. We'll be talking about the games, films and TV we managed to miss out talking about over the course of the year plus a look at what's coming up in 2019.
Then the regular nonsense ensues. Hope you had a Happy New Year, here's to another year of theorised geekery. Enjoy. ;)