19 Jul 2019

GEEK THEORY PODCAST - My Jungle Love (Oheeoheeoh)

This week, we crawl over the finish line on our conversation about our favourite idiots. We fight valiantly but the heat gets the better of us. Alex tries to get us involved in a pyramid scheme, uttering the words "Man in the Coil", the bait and switches. David just wants protagonists to keep their personal belongings on them at all times. Gavin gets really excited to talk about a book. (He's just proud he can read)

But wait! There's more. The heat has us tangent wildly, like being off-topic was somehow keeping us cool. Alex and Dave get into how highschool Music made them better liers and Gavin disappoints Alex with his complete lack of discipline. All in all, we made it to the other side completely different people. Enjoy. ;)

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