11 Oct 2019

GEEK THEORY PODCAST - He's a Shrinker, Not a Dinker

This week, our worst weapons continue with David wanting just one of the 40 million other players, worldwide, to stay on the god damn point. He then questions if turning into a gun is really the best move a leader should take.
Alex complains that his crime sprees are being hindered by his lack of gadget synergy. He then comes out with the Klobb. Do you know what that is without looking it up? Of course you don't. Alex gets sent to the burn ward shortly after making this pick.
Gavin rages against the most mundane thwarter of evil there ever has been, and together we figure out Avada Kadavras most terrible secret.
Then Alex makes a blatant plot to kill David and Gavin, all under the guise of Hallowe'en fun. The fun just does not stop. Enjoy. ;)

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