Game: Injustice 2
Price: £32.99
What you get: 9 characters, 3 premier skins and 2 shaders for each character
Premier Skins
Firstly, this is no standard Season Pass. Oh no, this is the "Ultimate Pass". Straight off the bat (not a reference), you're gifted with three exclusive skins. One for Green Lantern, making him John Stewart. Supergirl becomes Power Girl and the Flash becomes Reverse Flash. These are cool. They have their own recorded lines of dialogue, they have their own distinct look compared to the base character. Moves stay the same, you can't customise them at all the way you can the regular characters. While I get they are too similar to others to be in the game standalone, it would be nice for them to have their own gear to alter their looks. A strange grumble but I did really enjoy Injustice 2's gear system.
Exclusive Shaders
You are also given two shaders for each character, God and Demon. (Technically there's four as these two have "alternates" but these are just colour switches for the most part) God makes your eyes glow with a heavenly light while generally turning your clothes white and bright grey. This works for a few characters, mostly the ones that fly in their passive state. Demon, I have to admit, is pretty cool. It turns the eyes black, a'la "Supernatural" demons, and shades your clothing with black and crimson. Like I said, I do kind of like this one. So far I count that as one positive towards that £32.99 price tag. (Yay)
Right, let's do a little maths. Let's say that this Seaso... ahem, sorry, "Ultimate Pass" is just the characters. That means that it's £3.66 for each new character. That sounds reasonable, right? Sure, until you remember that unlockable characters used to be a feature within a fighting game as opposed to additional paid content. My biggest bugbear with most fighting games these days is that the best feature has been taken away and locked behind a pay barrier. (Or you can pretend the game doesn't exist until the Game of the Year edition) The fact is the bulk of the Pass is these characters. There's actually a tenth character, Darkseid. He isn't included in the "Ultimate Pass". He was a pre-order bonus. (Yay, them things) You have to fork out an additional £4.99 to play as him. I was under the impression "ultimate" meant "final" but there you go. (Yes, I was a chump and forked out the dough)
Season Pass or Fail? FAIL. Without a doubt, wait for the Game of the Year if you want the full experience. Overall, you'll probably pay less than the price of the "Ultimate Pass" and you'll get all the stuff it didn't include in the first place. Basically, you'll get a complete fighting game. Urgh, there will be some positive SEASON PASS OR FAILs coming but this was never going to be one of them. Remember when you used to unlock characters in fighting games? Even a couple of extra outfits? Play through Story mode with a character and unlock a new one, rewards for a bunch of fights well fought. Or a bunch of fights where you spammed the cheapest move you can muster. (I have no earthly idea how many hours I've sunk into Tekken 2 but let me tell you, it wasn't just a couple) Nowadays it's all about that dolladolla though.
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