2 Oct 2017

LIST - I Have the POWER!

It doesn't matter how good you are. Sometimes you need that extra something to get you through a tough situation. (Like caffeine) Here are a few examples of how you can be better without so much as breaking a sweat. (Unlike caffeine, am I right?)
  • Overshield - Halo

You are one man against a fanatical, alien invasion. Sure, you're surrounded by Marines and tanks and guns but against these insurmountable odds, you're essentially alone. You have all the power that the Mjolnir Power Armour has to offer and years of intense combat training but even that isn't enough at times. As you rush through the imploding corridors of the Pillar of Autumn, enemy drop pods are unleashing Hell before you. You duck in cover in the nearest vacated drop pod, you turn in the hopes that the enemy has left behind some serious artillery. They haven't. Just a couple of grenades and a strange, glowing box.
BvvvvvVVVV. That's the sound you hear when you pick it up. Your vision goes green for a moment and you watch as your shield doubles, no, triples. Those Covenant bastards are about to get a taste of unstoppable Master Chief action. You burst out of that drop pod like Covenant is about to take your last Rolo. You're running into a group of Grunts, dropping grenades at your feet because you'll be damned if they are getting a taste of that sweet chocolate goodness... wait, I've lost my train of thought. The overshield is pretty rad guys.
  • Quad Damage - Quake
QUAD DAMAGE! It doesn't matter what gun you're holding when you pick up this epic relic. Anyone in front of you when you start pulling the trigger is getting reduced to red mist in seconds.
These are normally hidden away off in a secret chamber. You can't just hand these things around like the genocide-inducing candy it clearly is. This guy helps you mow down the legions of nasty (and rather rude, if I may say) aliens that have decided to use your face for target practice. Of course, that's just in the story mode.
In a fair amount of the multiplayer maps, the Quad Damage is there, displayed on a visible (but tricky to get to) point. A prize for anyone determined enough to get the edge (and what an edge it is) in the fight. Once picked up, every other player in the match quickly realises that they have someone else to murder in the next room. Those a little slower on the uptake, maybe while laughing at your magnum vs. their plasma rifle, become another digit in your respective kill/death ratios.
  • Zero Point Energy Field Manipulator (Overcharged) - Half-Life 2
Gordon Freeman has a number of problems. (A bitch ain't one) He's just a guy who went to work one day, witnessed the fabric of reality tear open, fight for his life against invading alien hoards with a crowbar and deal with trained military soldiers trying to cover up said alien invasion.
That was before he gets his hands on a gravity gun. (Which is as awesome as it sounds) You spend a lot of time playing junkyard basketball with a robot Dog and making meticulous bridges of debris to avoid getting eaten by antlions. (Think of an ant that's as big as a lion that wants you dead) That's how you spend 8 hours of the game, more or less.
Then something magical (or sciencey) happens. The gravity gun gets super-powered as you start storming the Big Bad's base. You go from tossing around wooden planks to picking up enemy troops and firing them at their squad mates. Grabbing an energy core from a nearby container, you release it to bounce around the room, disintegrating anyone it comes into contact with. It's the most physics-based fun you can have with your clothes on.
  • Invincibility Star - Mario
Mario draws power from a lot of bizarre sources. Mushrooms that make you bigger? Alright, sure. (Though I'm thoroughly against Nintendo's pro-fungus agenda) A dead leaf that outfits you in a Japanese racoon dog costume and lets you fly with a wag of its tail? Wait a minute. I'm not even sure who's putting these dots together anymore. A spring. A bee. An arsonist. Mario has quite the eclectic selection of power-ups at his disposal.
So there's this star that makes you invincible. Actually, that isn't that far-fetched at this stage. If anything, it makes the most sense. As divine blessings go, it's pretty on the nose. So bop your head on a (?) block and watch in wonder as the little, five-pointed friend emerges and playfully bounces away from you. Watch as, nine times out of ten, that same little friend will fly over a bunch of enemies you'll have to deal with and nosedive down the nearest hole. But wait, while you were watching your friend perform that completely pointless gymnastics display those enemies have decided to trample all over your moustachioed face. Better luck next time.

  • Power Pellet - Pac-Man
To the best of my knowledge (a.k.a. without googling it to look smart) Pac-Man has no story. That's fine. More room for extreme interpretation for me then. So there's this guy, Pac-Man, and he's super hungry. Now the problem is all there is to eat is an entire house full of breadcrumbs. In order for him to make it to the next day, he'll have to eat all the breadcrumbs. (As all students know, breadcrumbs don't exactly go a long way) Every now and then, P-M will find a stash of fresh fruit. Well, this all sounds great.
Unfortunately, all this food is guarded by four ghosts. One touch from one of these guardian ghouls and you deflate faster than a balloon in a needle factory. Luckily Pac-Man has one line of defence against instant death. The Power Pellets turn the tables and allow Pac to munch on the ghosts themselves. (I wonder what a ghost tastes like) You now have a limited time to chase after them and get a few extra bonus points. (And a moments peace) Of course, being spirits, they come back. "What is dead may never die". (Fun alternative fact: Balon Greyjoy's children are named after each of the ghosts in Pac-Man as it was the only videogame available on Pyke until they got wifi)

Personally, I'll stick to coffee. I find I have to deal with a lot less hassle getting a cup than most of these other pick-me-ups. Though if anyone has a spare gravity gun kicking about I'll be your besty for a wee go. Kisses.

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