24 Dec 2019

GEEK THEORY PODCAST - A Cave Full of Bad Ham

This week finish talking about our favourite betrayals. David discusses the best of bad/good acting that we enjoy. Gavin is the one to get all political, which just makes Alex hungry. Alex talks about the importance of diversity and teamwork within a Community, and also how a falling out my have shafted an old man's redemption arc.

We also cover a whole heap of Netflix and Disney+ shows, Alex recommends some anime and manga, David give the Dragon Ball Super Broly film a two thumbs fresh review and MORE! Have a Merry Day and a Happy Day after that. Enjoy. ;)

15 Dec 2019

GEEK THEORY PODCAST - Lactose Intolerance was an Inside Job

We're back, baby! After weeks of scheduling conflicts and technicals difficulties, we've managed to find our way back into your earholes. So we will fill them with our best betrayal! Alex starts with dietary requirements our bodies for upon us. Dave insists he's not a moron and proves it with SCIENCE! Gavin asks would you kindly enjoy our first episode back after our short hiatus.

We also discover how far away space is, and we could probably walk there as a result. Dave and Alex talk about Evangelion again, while Gavin phases out for a bit. We also put as much faith that's humanly possible into the new Sonic movie trailer. (Gavin does, anyway. The sweet Summer-child that he is) Enjoy. ;)

17 Nov 2019

GEEK THEORY PODCAST - Thunder Cuts 2: Revengenation

IT'S THUNDER CUTS 2! That's right, we hit a bit of a scheduling conflict but luckily Gavin saved enough nonsense to cobble together an entire episode!

Nonsense includes (but not limited to):
How well the mushroom poll is going, plus. what is a mushroom poll?
Gavin's Hair and how is it so damn glorious?
Whatever "Make it hot" means when ordering a sandwich
Can we get a sponsorship with Jammy Dodgers?
Gavin's mum hypothetically making fun of him on a bus for reading a book
Tango Ice Blasts and the fall of cinema.

Yes, that's right folks, all that and more in this weeks exciting episode of Geek Theory (Radio) Podcast! Enjoy. ;)

10 Nov 2019

GEEK THEORY PODCAST - A Toaster Throne of Lies

This week, we finish our conversation on our favourite toys. Gavin talks about his first forays into gaming (or rather, his mum's first forays into gaming). David brings up "role-play" toys. It's not what you (or Alex and Gavin) think. Mostly. Alex talks about his favourite action figures that came with their own "shogun armour". 

Gavin's final pick this week is toast. You'll have to listen to believe it. We also explain how time travel in Japan can quickly get pretty boring, Alex and Dave do a news update while Gavin goes to the bathroom and most of the conversation was fuelled by 4% alcohol. Enjoy. ;)

3 Nov 2019

GEEK THEORY PODCAST - Just Another Wild Night in Scramble City

We're getting all nostalgic this week with our favourite toys. David starts off with his love for combining things to make bigger things, which quickly becomes talking about Saturday morning TV. Alex brings up dolls for boys and how challenging gender norms as a kid can make you a better person. Gavin talks about the greatest constructions ever conceived then tells a story that Alex promptly fills with damned lies! So just your standard story then.

We also manage to talk about puppets, map makers for babies and how if you rob the wrong bank then you'll have to fight the Queen (or a champion of her choosing). Enjoy. ;)

27 Oct 2019

GEEK THEORY PODCAST - Primer for Big Ghostin'

This week, we finish our conversation on our favourite big bastards. Gavin complains that fighting games are too hard and would rather they played themselves. David believes that everyone can redeem themselves, even if they do push children from windows. Alex picks two completely separate people and we barely talk about either of them. Pretty standard, by this point.

We also can't keep track of all the Khans we know, whether they be a tiger or despotic overlord. We discuss who would play what in future Marvel roles and then by the end we completely lose the plot. Enjoy. ;)

20 Oct 2019


This week, we're discussing our favourite Big Bastards. We're covering everything from sheer size to just how low down and dirty these guys can be. Or both.
David starts us off with a king who just wants to bang your wife, and could potentially steal her from another dimension to do it. Alex gets us talking about good parenting, mostly involving cliffs and how far you can punt your kid from them. Gavin talks about how just because you're no good at accounting, doesn't mean you can't lead a motley crew of pirates through space.
We also cover the secrets of waterfalls and why you should always try to walk through them and why it probably isn't a good idea to name your children after musical instruments. Enjoy. ;)

11 Oct 2019

GEEK THEORY PODCAST - He's a Shrinker, Not a Dinker

This week, our worst weapons continue with David wanting just one of the 40 million other players, worldwide, to stay on the god damn point. He then questions if turning into a gun is really the best move a leader should take.
Alex complains that his crime sprees are being hindered by his lack of gadget synergy. He then comes out with the Klobb. Do you know what that is without looking it up? Of course you don't. Alex gets sent to the burn ward shortly after making this pick.
Gavin rages against the most mundane thwarter of evil there ever has been, and together we figure out Avada Kadavras most terrible secret.
Then Alex makes a blatant plot to kill David and Gavin, all under the guise of Hallowe'en fun. The fun just does not stop. Enjoy. ;)

4 Oct 2019

GEEK THEORY PODCAST - The Soft Focus of Youth

This week, we make good on our promise of improved sound quality! Oh, we also celebrate our 50th topic by talking about our least favourite weaponry. (Our first episode and Battle Royale were both our favourite melee and projectile respectively)

Alex takes carpenters to task over their favourite tools and prefers to fill volume with bullet. Gavin seemingly takes a very high moral stance on superweapons only to reveal his supervillain nature. David takes the colloquial use of the word "weapon" (In Scotland, it can also mean a person of dangerous idiocy) and we discover that there are a bunch of Pokemon we could totally take in a fistfight.

Then there's the usual nonsense, in-jokes and self-made memes that you've come to expect from us. Enjoy. ;)

20 Sept 2019

GEEK THEORY PODCAST - Sassy Lesbian Bond

We are back to finish our top assassin chat. David reveals Disneys hold over his destiny, mostly through monthly fees and merchandising. Alex has to slowly explain the synopsis of Crank to a man who basically hasn't seen more than two new films a year, ever. Gavin gets Crank explained to him slowly, then misinterprets what good bone magic is.

We also get into Dungeons and Dragons (for Gavin is a dummy) and there's a distinct cry for a new Bond. Enjoy. ;)

13 Sept 2019

GEEK THEORY PODCAST - From the Studio that Didn't Even Bring You New Mutants

This week, we're discussing our favourite assassins. Gavin starts things off by expressing his deep-seated suspicion of every bald person he sees. David wonders what it would be like if whales got more involved with the general narrative while blinking an obscene amount. Alex decides it would be best to put all his mistakes in the past, then going back to the past to kill those mistakes. To each their own.

We also catch up on the topic of bees, Speed, Keanu Reeves' secret movie list of the past 5 years and SO MUCH MORE! Believe it! Enjoy! ;)

7 Sept 2019

GEEK THEORY PODCAST - Battle Royale 4: Multiversal Master Chef of Madness

This is it folks, the topic we've inevitably been building to for the last two years; our top food.
This week, Alex, David and Gavin discuss their favourite starters, mains and deserts while under the close scrutiny of a God-like Greg Wallace. Welcome to the Battle Royale... with cheese. Enjoy. ;)
(Disclaimer: We talk about a LOT of meat, so be warned. Also, don't listen to this on an empty stomach. We will not be legally held responsible for any resulting hangry riots)

30 Aug 2019

GEEK THEORY PODCAST - Dirty Doers Get Done Dirty

This week, we finish our conversation on our worst omniships. Alex starts us off by taking a cattle prod to rile up the Internet.
Then we get into an argument.
Then David tries to rend all friendships asunder with blasphemous pizza toppings.
Then we argue.
Gavin tries to calm things down with the progenitor of all bad TV relationships.
Then we argue some more.
The major theme of this week is "conflict brings us closer together". Or that's what Gavin tells himself while he's editing through streams of tears. Enjoy. ;)

23 Aug 2019

GEEK THEORY PODCAST - She's an Almond Voltron

This week, we're discussing our worst omniships. Everything from couples to cruisers and everything in between. (Everything, in this case, being religion, politics and money) Gavin starts off by complaining about how about death cults in space can really hold us back as a species. Alex unveils a long history of racism and betrayal in a world where mushrooms are both friend and food. David sticks one to Big Microtransactions as he names and shames the bigger offenders.

My gosh, that sounds like heavy stuff. Rest assured, it's handled with the usual amount of deft and grace* you've come to associate with the show. (Edit: *daft and disgrace) Enjoy. ;)

16 Aug 2019

GEEK THEORY PODCAST - The Bastard Brain is Connected to the Narc Bone

This week, we finish our conversation on our favourite rivalries. Gavin talks about enemies having similar goals, while Alex interjects with a drunken character. Alex then goes on to gives us a blow-by-blow account of a Nicolas Cage film, that was so good Gavin ended up watching the film again. David gives us a vast selection of scenarios and lets us decide what drink would be best for it.

We also talk about science (like actual geeks), machines that totally don't exist and the various times we've fallen over because we're adults and we can drink as much as we want! Enjoy. ;)

9 Aug 2019


This week, we're discussing our favourite rivalries. Alex starts us off by sticking a penny in the door and infuriating an omniscient custodian. Dave dishes out various scenarios to determine the best burger and Gavin attempts to toss a dwarf, only to later find out that nobody does that.

Then there's the usual Dragon Ball, Harry Potter and Batman that we've all come to expect. And we once again try and get sponsored by local food establishments. (finger crossed) Enjoy. ;)

2 Aug 2019

GEEK THEORY PODCAST - He's a Sneaking Genius, He's a Smoking Genius, He's a Fighting Genius

This week, we finish our conversation on our favourite geniuses. Obviously, being geniuses of staying on topic, we start the show with a bunch of seemingly random TV recommendations, so there's that.

Gavin starts by talking about the benefits of legalising crime in your city to keep it in line. If you can tax it, you can control it. Alex shows he's a genius of picking a final pick by picking all of them. David spins a tale, any size, and hates it when people go organic.

We've also got Transformers and Digimon in there, and they aren't even Honourable mentions. They somehow just get shoehorned in. There's a full-blown discussion about the upcoming Final Fantasy VII Remake as well. Then the usual shenanigans. Enjoy. ;)

26 Jul 2019

GEEK THEORY PODCAST - Chekhov's Pazuzu

This week, we drink and talk about our favourite geniuses. Gavin avoids the obvious pick then learns about The Sinister Boob. Alex adds a new Bad Friend to the posse of evil robots and David steals 40 cakes. That's as many as four tens. And that's terrible.

There's also the usual nonsense, tangents, heatstroke, visual jokes. Proving we are indeed not geniuses of podcasting. Enjoy. ;)

19 Jul 2019

GEEK THEORY PODCAST - My Jungle Love (Oheeoheeoh)

This week, we crawl over the finish line on our conversation about our favourite idiots. We fight valiantly but the heat gets the better of us. Alex tries to get us involved in a pyramid scheme, uttering the words "Man in the Coil", the bait and switches. David just wants protagonists to keep their personal belongings on them at all times. Gavin gets really excited to talk about a book. (He's just proud he can read)

But wait! There's more. The heat has us tangent wildly, like being off-topic was somehow keeping us cool. Alex and Dave get into how highschool Music made them better liers and Gavin disappoints Alex with his complete lack of discipline. All in all, we made it to the other side completely different people. Enjoy. ;)

12 Jul 2019


This week, we endure the crushing summer heat to bring you the very best of the very dumbest. (Gavin shines as a beacon of these dummies)

David picks all the brawlers, who would rather answer with a fist than with words. Alex wants you to put the money in his hand, little man, or you'll owe him owe oh. Gavin picks the king of cartoon idiots, then stops talking about himself and gets on with the show.

We sing, we dance, we do voices. The heat destroys our poor brains. All for your entertainment. Enjoy. ;)

5 Jul 2019

GEEK THEORY PODCAST - Do You Remember This Cartoon?

This week, we finish our conversation on our favourite samurai and ninja. Gavin hates thieves and loves mispronouncing basic words, Alex proves a dog can hold a gun in dire circumstances and David has got to get back, back to the past.

We also discuss the dark words, get really into Men in Black, talk about more cartoons and basically completely lose it by the end. Enjoy. ;)

28 Jun 2019

GEEK THEORY PODCAST - What's the Sequel to Pizza?

This week, we're back to making our lists and not really checking them once. We've got a selection of Ninjas and Samurai to contend with.

Gavin starts by going back to the 90s, a safer time when we were protected by mutated animals of all varieties. Alex explores the storied history of the ninja, both ally to Good Boys everywhere and mortal foe to helicopters. Then David spins a sad tale of wasted potential, but with a possibility of a bright future ahead.

Of course, there's the usual nonsense as well. We basically have it trademarked at this stage. Enjoy. ;)

21 Jun 2019

GEEK THEORY PODCAST - E3 2019: Two Hot Pipes of Fresh Content

E3 is finished, but that doesn't mean the coverage is. We discuss the ups and downs of this year's conference. David starts with his excitement over how tight his wiggle sticks can get with the new Elite controller. Alex and Gavin raise concerns over the music of their youth being corrupted by committee and then we all gush over how amazing Devolver Digital was for the third year running. Then David gets angry about Pokemon. Mostly... mostly.

We also start randomly start dishing out quests at the end. Gavin's is relatively simple, Alex's has tiers, most of them moist and David's is purely selfish. It's fine, don't worry about it. Enjoy. ;)

14 Jun 2019


This week, we all leave the house to go to Play Expo, an interactive exhibition celebrating computer games and gaming over the past 30 years. We spin tales of wonder on the sights we saw, the people we overheard and the old games we didn't buy.

We also open with a classic slice of British humour, get into an argument over semantics and discover a hilarious new way to describe marmalade. Don't believe me? Give a listen. Enjoy. ;)

7 Jun 2019

GEEK THEORY PODCAST - E3 2019 Predictions: It's a Thing of Teeth

E3 is once again almost upon us. So naturally, we'll try and guess what we're going to get shown and look like a bunch of smarty pants.

What turns into our most sensible and informative conversation about the future of consoles, we rightfully sandwich that between a complete nonsense introduction and by the outro we've completely lost the plot. (All hail Devolver Digital) Enjoy. ;)

31 May 2019

GEEK THEORY PODCAST - Endgame of Thrones

This week, we make a big deal about changing the format of the podcast. No lists this week basically. We start off with Alex and Dave having a spirited debate on the latest season of Game of Thrones. (This was recorded before the final episode aired, so no big finale spoilers, for those who haven't seen it yet)

We then proceed to gush over how much we all enjoyed Endgame. There's some time travel knit picking and some Marvel rule contested, but overall, we like it more than Thrones. Enjoy. ;)

24 May 2019

GEEK THEORY PODCAST - Ganondorf Crushes Dweebs for Breakfast

This week, Gavin's ineptitude almost derails the whole podcast schedule (yes, we actually have one). The second part of the Pipedreams episode is gone, it's been dusted. But fear not, this week's topic is what sequels we'd like to see made.

Alex starts off by laying down the law because he is The Law. Gavin sticks entirely to videogames, surprising no one, and they turn out to be pretty well received, surprising everyone. David comes a bit out of left field with a couple of movie choices and an idea so Crazy, it might just work.

Then there's the usual nonsense, you know. Wallace and Gromit, Ganondorf punching dweebs, saying "Father" a lot, maybe a cheeky "Jean Bernard" for those die-hard fans. There's something for everyone this week. Enjoy. ;)

17 May 2019

GEEK THEORY PODCAST - It's Got That Rude D in the Middle

We're feeling creative again this week which means it's time for another pipedreams episode! As it was recorded on what is now dubbed "Sonic Day" (though only by us, it seems) we each have a Sonic game to pitch. (Just Gavin's pitch this week)

Gavin starts it off with a 3D Sonic game but good, but also Zelda? Alex comes in hot with a GTA-style game set in beautiful Glasgow, complete with high-sci-fantasy nonsense and David follows up with a pitch for a GTA series, featuring different casts and directors.

There's a bit of Thrones chat at the start, but it's way back at the Battle of Winterfell so hopefully, you'll not be spoiled. Plus, is Cherry Limeade even a thing? Don't forget it is (was) Sonic Day! Enjoy! ;)

10 May 2019

GEEK THEORY PODCAST - Calm Down, Dumbledon't (And Where to Find Him)

This week we finish our topic of best "part 3s". Alex doesn't pick the best song in the world, no, he picks a Tribute. Gavin takes a lads holiday in JK Rowling's Wizarding World and David talks about how you just can't get good radio in videogames anymore.

We also discuss more TV,  may or may not mention a Hitler body-double and pretty much ruin Harry Potter for everyone. It's worth it, but you have been warned. Enjoy. ;)

(Spoilers for the second Fantastic Beasts film, but Gavin hasn't seen it either and frankly it doesn't sound great, let alone Fantastic)

3 May 2019

GEEK THEORY PODCAST - Tall Glass of Baise, Josh Boyfriend

Welcome back! This week, we're talking about our top part 3s. David makes a controversial choice to open the episode with, Alex completely ignores the topic of the episode to talk about a game he likes and Gavin likes Zelda. If nothing else is gleaned from his pick this week, that's the message he want to get across to you. 
We also start the episode by smashing Alex's expectations of the the next Spider-Man film, and he also gives us an update on how much he's enjoying Grimm. Enjoy. ;)

28 Apr 2019


Welcome to the cutting room floor, ladies and gentlemen. Gavin was at a (excellent) stag this weekend so scheduling was a little tight. Here, we've gathered some snippets of conversation from over the last year that didn't fit into the episode, tangents that became their own topic or jokes that Gavin found funny enough to subject you to again.

We start by complaining about the hot weather, then proceed to Scottish up Metal Gear. We dissect the anatomy of a "good" pint of Tennents and wonder how exactly the Umbrella Corporation actually makes any money. We also try writing our own Dragon Ball plots and recast the show with Overwatch characters.

We hope you enjoy this mixed bag of random we've managed to gather over the last 16 months and regular programming shall resume shortly. :)

19 Apr 2019

GEEK THEORY PODCAST - Deatheater Info Wars

This week we continue our discussion on worst adaptations. Gavin calmly explains how and when a dragon should die, David points out that watching Batman watching YouTube isn't as fun as it sounds and Alex gives explicit detail on how to NOT remake a 10/10 movie. (Apparently just making each scene three times longer doesn't equal success)

 We also take a wee break in amongst the rage and bile to talk about some stuff we actually enjoy, like Grimm. Enjoy. ;)

12 Apr 2019

GEEK THEORY PODCAST - So, Yeah... Zelda...

This week, it's our worst adaptations! David urges those dreaming of being "the very best" to dream smaller, Alex insists that you can't just kill wizards with big beams and Gavin starts talking about Zelda and gets shafted repeatedly. Just telling it like it is.

We also discuss Gavin's hoarding of precious collectables, both virtual and real. The Mario movie gets talked about without it being anyone's pick, it just kind of ends up being there. Funny that. Enjoy. ;)

5 Apr 2019

GEEK THEORY PODCAST - BFFs (Bad Friends Forever)

More robots this week! Alex takes us on a mysterious journey of the soul, David prowls about the topic of robot racism and Gavin likes the strong, silent type that gets the job done.

We also develop our robo-drama, give characters depth, have a mid-season cook-off, come up with a title. Final drafts of the scripts are being processed as we speak. Enjoy. ;)

29 Mar 2019

GEEK THEORY PODCAST - Rough Riding on the Wrong Side of the Road

This week, Alex reveals some shocking home truths about E.T., Dave enjoys the simplicity of being an evil robot and Gavin sings the Doom Song for 6 months.

We also find out about the Final Spice, put monobrows on different characters to indicate their moral centres and lay down the groundwork on a 90s style sitcom with a lot of heart, and even more laughs. Enjoy. ;) 

22 Mar 2019

GEEK THEORY PODCAST - The Future is Controlled by the Pervert Lords

We continue our chat about anime and manga with guest host, Ryan. Gavin tries to convince the world (and himself) he's not a pervert. Alex takes a strong stance on harems and Ryan climbs a soapbox to deliver some Ghoulish news.

We also manage to tangent wildly while staying on the main topic. (Yes, for the very first time ever) Alex and Ryan develop the weird potato manga they've created into something that could seriously make us some money. (I think) Enjoy. ;)

15 Mar 2019

GEEK THEORY PODCAST - The Public Obscenity Cut

This week we have a guest host, Ryan, replacing Dave in a discussion about our favourite anime and manga. We cover kids with psychic powers, body horror, cool vehicles, and that's just Akira!

We also talk about other kids with psychic powers, how every sport seems to be represented in manga form, zombie metal bands and set down the groundwork for our own manga. Enjoy. ;)

8 Mar 2019

GEEK THEORY PODCAST - Narrative Your Way Inside My Monolith

It's time for another Battle Royale! We'll have all sorts of unthinkable combinations this week. Can undead robots defeat cartoon animals? Can the Egg Empire survive the combined force of space-faring robots? Will Geek Theory Podcast be releasing its own fan-fiction, Original Characatures (Not Worth Stealing), in audiobook format? Listen to find out. Enjoy. ;)

1 Mar 2019

GEEK THEORY PODCAST - Dracula's Capes are In

This week David finds out just how versatile Cap's special Goo really is, Gavin dishes out a belated Dad of the Year 2018 award and Alex explains how even devils may cry.

There's also a plethora of misunderstandings, a handful of misheard phrases and the insults. Oh the insults this week, I tell ya. You'd think we weren't sitting within swinging distance of each other. Enjoy. ;)

23 Feb 2019

REVEIW - Kingdom Hearts 3 - The Plot Thickens... I Think

Name: Kingdom Hearts 3
Developer: Square Enix, Disney Interactive
Publisher: Square Enix
Platforms: PlayStation 4(reviewed), Xbox One
Release: 25.01.19
Where do you start a review of a game like Kingdom Hearts? ("Did you like the game?" There's a good start. I know it's been a while since you did some writing but...) I enjoyed Kingdom Hearts 3 a lot. The combat was that weird mix of Devil May Cry hack and slash meets Final Fantasy menu selects, the story is a mix of nostalgia and confusion banana pants, level and character design were once again beautiful and scaled to a new generations console power. I felt it was worth the wait. Let's get into it, shall we?
Is this Kingdom Hearts?
The Dumbo in the room is the Kingdom Hearts plot. KH3 felt like a game that was trying to acknowledge it's very convoluted past and straighten some things out. (For the most part) Given that it's a series that's had more spin-offs and side projects than Happy Days, it's had its work cut out for itself. I'm not going to defend it, the story is screwy and I've spent slightly more time than I care to mention on various fan wikis trying to fill gaps in my not inconsiderable Kingdom Hearts knowledge. Once again you're travelling from Disney world to Disney world, interacting with that movie's characters in a loose interpretation of the film's plot. For some, it works pretty well. I particularly loved the Tangled and Monsters Inc. worlds. (So much so that I really want to watch Tangled now) For others (*cough* Toy Story and Big Hero 6 *cough cough*) it kind of feels like you've been given a world to explore that has a basic theme and no actual objective in mind, which at this stage and after 13 years after the last main instalment, is a little disappointing. The Kingdom Hearts side of the story does make a decent effort to tie things up though, though can still be annoyingly cryptic and repetitive in its choice of dialogue. (We get it, Sora, your friends are your strength. Hearts, yeah, connected, great)
Serious work for serious people.

To think I never thought I'd love again. I love you, lizard bro.

Visually, it's just lovely. It's never been a bad looking series but with the polish allowed it on the current generation of consoles, it really can be picturesque. So much so, they introduce a camera to take pictures. Did I spend too much time taking selfies with my various teammates? Why yes, yes I did. (Considering Kingdom Hearts 2 came out before the first iPhone, this addition is a little unsurprising) Of course, I also spent far too much time flying around in the Gummi Ship. I've talked before about how this is one of my favourite minigames and Kingdom Hearts 3 basically makes it its own separate game. Instead of linear flight paths, however, you're given "systems" to fly about in with fights you can participate in to get new ship parts and models depending on what rank you earn. For the most part, as long as you have a ship that can deal out massive damage (My ship was basically a glass cannon, it could deal it out but it could barely take a scratch without dying) you'll generally have no issues earning As. With all the lasers firing and enemy ships exploding on screen it can become a bit of a mess of visual noise on the screen, but then if it wasn't like that I would be a little disappointed. (Wear shades, destroy enemy fleets in style)
Shades like this would be perfect, in fact. *hint hint*
Seguing fluidly into the game's combat in general, it's got its ups and downs. First off, it feels very fluid, you can hotkey spells and work them into combos with your keyblade, stacking up some serious damage. Shotlock, from Birth by Sleep, is back and it is by far the most useful set of moves you have in your arsenal. On more than one occasion, I've used it to completely annihilate both bosses and large groups of enemies. The moves change, depending on the keyblade being used but more often than not it'll get the job done. Next, are the spells, where you can now cast "Grand magic" which are devastating (I'm not being hyperbolic with that term, it's the business) versions of your basic elemental spells pumped up to MAX. The special moves I wasn't so keen on were the Disney Land attractions. Summoning teacups and carousels is cute but 95% of the fights would present me with a prompt to use one and it kind of hit pause on the flow of the battle. You don't need to use them and can skip over them if other prompts appear, but they really pushed the Disney with this instalment. Then there's the biggest issue, which has been the biggest bugbear I've had with the series combat since Kingdom Hearts, which is the camera. It just doesn't quite do what it's meant to and locking onto enemies is only possible if the camera is facing them. Pressing the attack button generally sends Sora in the direction of the nearest enemy to remedy this, but sometimes Sora can get confused and think the priority target is a clutch of coconuts at the top of the nearest tree. This is further aggravated by later enemies that can teleport, most often off-screen, breaking your lock on them. I mean, it is what it is and I've fought and won every battle the game threw at me with relative ease. (That said, the difficulty felt a little dumbed down from previous games)
Baddiemax, Baymax's big bad brother.
A special mention goes to the cooking minigame. Apparently, I needed that in my life. Who knew? (Another special mention goes to WHERE ARE ANY FINAL FANTASY CHARACTERS?! Just thought I should get that off my chest)

I have three Michelin stars, thanks to KH3.

Would I recommend this game to Xehanort, eh, I mean you? No. I don't think I could. There would be no point. Either you've waited patiently for this game's release for the last 13 years and you've snapped it up regardless of reviews. Or you've lost interest during the myriad of side games that have further muddied the plot. OR you didn't have the interest, to begin with. I enjoyed the 50+ hours I've sunk into the game and, for the most part, this was every bit the next instalment I was waiting for.
(Don't get me wrong, I would recommend the entire series to you. Sure it's an epic time-investment, and you really have to put up with a lot of Donald Duck's voice but as a game series, it has provided me with some great moments and satisfying challenges. Maybe even a few tears... I DON'T KNOW MY GOD I SAID MAYBE GET OUT OF MY FACE ALREADY... ahem)

22 Feb 2019

GEEK THEORY PODCAST - Nerfed by Narrative Demand

This week we continue our (totally planned) Hero Month with our Top Male Protagonists. Gavin takes to the high seas, gets hijacked and is left a sad, broken man. Alex attempts to do anything a spider can, with moderate success. David creates more rifts with his love for pretty boys from the future.

We also discuss tea and biscuits, milk techniques(?), Bizarre Adventures and toys. So yeah, needless to say, we don't stay on topic. Enjoy. ;)

15 Feb 2019

GEEK THEORY PODCAST - Swamp Family Values

This week, Gavin rates the Bat-family from best to blurst (again?), Alex appreciates a woman who knows how to cast a spell and have a good time (pretty major spoilers for Castlevania season 2: Skip to avoid - 13:30-28:40) and Dave joins The Bride in her quest to execute William.

We also describe words, create some new ones and invent a needless family tree and backstory for one of our beloved GTP characters. (No it's not Jean Bernard, sorry) Enjoy. ;)

(No personal intro this week, Gavin's throat hurts. To sum up, he's finished Kingdom Heart 3, it's good. He's still playing Resident Evil 2, it's scary. He finally finished watching Assassination Classroom, he cried.)

8 Feb 2019

GEEK THEORY PODCAST - Lemon Wipes Vs Lemon Sorbet

This Week we're talking about our favourite female protagonists: David takes us back to Westeros to talk about the most gallant knight of the realm, Gavin gets Jaded over a long-awaited sequel that will never be and Alex complains that Rollerball is happening before its time and nobody has microprocessors for brains.

 We also talk about pet peeves, childhood toys and bizarre habits. Enjoy. ;)

1 Feb 2019

GEEK THEORY PODCAST - A Puzzle Mansion in Every Box

This week we finish talking about our favourite fiction locations. Alex explains the layout of his latest puzzle mansion, David becomes a Shadow of his former Moses and Gavin gets started on the Toontown Cinematic Universe starring President Benjamin Asher.

 We've got Pint-Walker Voltrons, dimensional tunnels and islands full of candy-filled pinata. Also, Gavin wants to become a woman and live forever. No, you don't get context. Enjoy. ;)

25 Jan 2019

GEEK THEORY PODCAST - Happy Christmas New Year of the Swamp Mother

This week Gavin gets dubbed "Gaviscon of the Double Action" in the distant future, David reveals his Origins in the City after a Knight in his favourite Asylum and Alex is in the Zone with his banging national anthem and a pile of Chemical bucks.
We also start off with some food chat, attempt "Name That Tune: Sonic Edition", and other such shenanigans. It's all go, enjoy! ;)
P.S. We hate Brexit.

18 Jan 2019


This week, Gavin unleashes his wrath upon the Gods and spiders of this world, David believes nukes are better than giant squid in the grand scheme of things, and Alex lets his hair down and makes an unbreakable pact with a demon.
We also ridicule Nazis, discover Pokemon more powerful than God and Christmas Bane returns for an encore. Enjoy. ;)

11 Jan 2019

GEEK THEORY PODCAST - Threesomes for Energy

We're back and this week we're discussing our favourite over-powered (OP) characters. Dave goes back to Halo to rub salt in old wounds, Alex campaigns for his chosen Master Wizard and Gavin takes pictures of his soft toys and puts them in Instagram. New Year, same podcast, Enjoy. ;)

4 Jan 2019


It's time for 2018s report card, let's see how well it did. We'll be talking about the games, films and TV we managed to miss out talking about over the course of the year plus a look at what's coming up in 2019.
Then the regular nonsense ensues. Hope you had a Happy New Year, here's to another year of theorised geekery. Enjoy. ;)